You Need to Start Listening More
Stop interrupting and talking over people.
The human brain has been estimated to have a processing capacity of 120 bits per second and one person talking is roughly 60 bits per second.
No wonder it’s exhausting being in rooms full of tons of people all trying to grab your attention or be a part of the same conversation.
This is why, while it may not “seem” like tough work, being a teacher in a classroom of many small children can be an extremely demanding job. It’s also why loud, unstructured, “brainstorming” sessions are a waste of your valuable resources and time.
Your brain is not built to handle it.
I feel the strain at home too with my family – when they are all talking over one another all at once, my brain is forced to process information at a whopping 300 bits per second! So, I am making the effort to teach them a “bit” of patience when it comes to speaking and to take turns.
It’s a small thing, but with a big return on investment.
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Lesen Sie meinen Wall Street Journal-Bestseller Flow@Work: Warum talentierte Menschen kündigen und wie man sie zum Bleiben bewegt. Und wenn Sie sich inspiriert fühlen, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Amazon-Rezension. Ich lese jede einzelne und würde mich freuen, Ihre dort zu sehen!
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