Daylight Savings – a disaster for your brain

How does the time change impact our mental and physical health?
Accidents go up by 6 percent after daylight savings
Stroke rates are 8 percent higher in the days after the time change -
Hospitals report receiving 11 percent more reports for depression after the time change
This is clearly not a good time for brain health and I don’t know a single person who enjoys the time change.
What can you do to better cope with it?
Expose yourself to sunlight in the early morning and in the late afternoon for 2-20 minutes. Standing close to a window is not enough. You need to actually go outside.
Stick to a regular sleep schedule and keep your waking up and bed times consistent
Educate your pets and toddlers to read the clock…(good luck with that!) or shift them over gradually a few days ahead of the time change by putting them to bed a few minutes earlier each day rather than having to process one big jump.