Performance reviews need a performance review
You don’t have to be a neuropsychologist to realize that the nearly universal dread surrounding the performance review process saps energy and deflates motivation.
A 2012 study by the CEB Corporate Leadership Council found more than three-quarters of the managers, employees, and heads of human resources surveyed felt that performance review results were ineffective, inaccurate, or both, while the title of an article in the Washington Post said it even more succinctly: “Study Finds That Basically Every Single Person Hates Performance Reviews.”
The solution? Allow people to play by their strengths.
Not everyone needs to do everything or to be rated on everything.
We all have strengths and weaknesses. Many of us are proud of our strengths, and most of us are acutely aware of our weaknesses. Doing something we’re good at focuses our attention, triggers a burst of dopamine, and often puts us into a rewarding state of flow. Working on something we’re not so good at tends to lead to discouragement, frustration, and a dissipation of energy.
Strive to find a mix of people, with each excelling in a different area. The combined expertise of people with differing abilities and approaches will provide true team diversity.