Current articles and interviews from the German media
Embrace the Art of Neurominimalism
Ever feel like your brain’s running on the dreaded blue screen of doom from trying to multitask? Welcome to modern life, where our brains, fine-tuned...
The Neurscience Behind Public Speaking
Conquer your fear of public speaking using neuroscience Being a public speaker is not necessarily the most obvious career choice for someone who spent most...
The Brain-Friendly Workplace and Fidelis Leadership Podcast
Mike Ettore invited me to join him on the Fidelis Leadership Podcast to dive deep into The Brain-Friendly Workplace. If you’ve ever wanted to explore...
Leadership and The Brain-Friendly Workplace
How to lead in a brain-friendly way This is the question that was covered in my past interview with Deutschlandfunk. Listen to the German interview...
Hybrid Work – It’s Not Just Black and White
I have a hybrid view on hybrid work. You need to do what’s best for your business and also what is best for you. Some...
Brain-Friendly Friday: More Hours Does Not Mean More Productivity
Putting in more hours at work won’t make you more productive This is the time of year when you might feel the need to go...
Do You Find Joy In Organization?
Neat and Tidy, and with a High-Serotonin Neurosignature If you’re one of those people who comes home from grocery shopping and immediately puts your food...
Three Brain-Friendly Tips to Help You Reduce Stress and Anxiety
The Brain-Friendly Newsletter When it comes to managing stress and anxiety, the idea that the body can control the mind seems alien to many of...
Das glückliche Gehirn
Eine Studie zeigt, dass Mitarbeiter in einem Acht-Stunden-Tag durchschnittlich nur knapp drei Stunden wirklich produktiv gewesen sind. Was können Unternehmen dagegen tun? Drei Tipps 1) Weg...
Human Resources Manager
Öfter mal ans Gehirn denken
Wir brauchen mehr Respekt davor, wie andere Menschen ticken, sagt Friederike Fabritius. Im Interview erklärt die Hirnforscherin, warum es durchaus hilfreich sein kann, sich auch...
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