Emotional Labeling
There’s a word for what you’re feeling. Now use it. Most of us, when we’re feeling angry or sad or stressed, are reluctant to put...
Don’t change the people, change the workplace
Learn why so many diversity trainings fail and how neurochemistry is the missing link. We will cover five aspects of the brain-friendly workplace....
Lean out!
Stop asking women to „lean in“. Let’s „lean out“ of dysfunctional workplaces instead....
How to be social in a virtual world
How can you build great relationships with your teams and clients when everybody is working from home? It all comes down to the neurochemical oxytocin....
What’s the impact of remote working on productivity?
Where are you most productive? At home or in the office? There are many surveys that study this question, but as a neuroscientist I know...
Confessions of a book addict
I have a confession to make. I’m an addict. A book addict. When I was in elementary school, I went to our local library every...
How to beat smartphone addiction
Are you addicted to your phone? Here is how to get out of it. Willpower is limited Imagine that you are participating in a scientific...
Do you really want a shrinking brain?
“I don’t have time anymore to read.” Have you ever heard someone say this? I get it. People are stressed out and busy. But let’s...
Do we really need more digital learning?
Would you rather send your kids to a school where he or she learns the basics of handling a computer or to memorize poems by...
Surprise – the under leveraged resource in the business world
When was the last time someone surprised you with a gift or a nice gesture? I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers yesterday from a...