What to think of prior to the next bonus round
The image of a rational, economical human being is a persistent myth. In fact, dozens of books have been written on the topic, and yet...
We are wired to be social
If you deliberately broke someone’s leg, they wouldn’t forget it and might never forgive you. Perhaps you know the old schoolyard taunt: “Sticks and stones...
Lifelong learning isn’t simply a slogan
We can continue to acquire new skills well into adulthood and the cognitive regions of our brain—commonly known as gray matter—will increase in size to...
How a little bit of brain science could have saved Will Smith (and Chris Rock!)
By now, much of the world has seen it. The Slap. When comedian Chris Rock told a joke about actress Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair loss,...
How to get the best out of your training budget
Well-intentioned but poorly thought out training programs can actually wind up demoralizing employees instead of empowering them. Consider the young man who was terrible in...
Daylight Savings – a disaster for your brain
How does the time change impact our mental and physical health? Accidents go up by 6 percent after daylight savings Stroke rates are 8 percent...
Das glückliche Gehirn
Eine Studie zeigt, dass Mitarbeiter in einem Acht-Stunden-Tag durchschnittlich nur knapp drei Stunden wirklich produktiv gewesen sind. Was können Unternehmen dagegen tun? Drei Tipps 1) Weg...
Sleep – your brain’s superpower
My clients love to respond to my urging them to get more exercise by enthusiastically setting their alarm clocks an hour earlier, so they can...
Reading – a powerful antidote to our times
We’re told from childhood that reading is good for us. Neuroscientist Friederike Fabritius confirms that a simple book can make you more empathetic, improve your...
Gut feelings – bias or intuition?
Most gut feelings are merely superstitions. But in the mind of an expert, a gut feeling can be a highly efficient, largely unconscious product of...