Reading – a powerful antidote to our times
We’re told from childhood that reading is good for us. Neuroscientist Friederike Fabritius confirms that a simple book can make you more empathetic, improve your...
Gut feelings – bias or intuition?
Most gut feelings are merely superstitions. But in the mind of an expert, a gut feeling can be a highly efficient, largely unconscious product of...
The Power of Surprise
You possess a super power that you may not even be aware of. It’s the power of surprise. Most of us know the role that...
Öfter mal ans Gehirn denken
Wir brauchen mehr Respekt davor, wie andere Menschen ticken, sagt Friederike Fabritius. Im Interview erklärt die Hirnforscherin, warum es durchaus hilfreich sein kann, sich auch...
Group flow
Is there anything better than the feeling you get when you’re “in the zone”? Although I imagine that some of you can think of a...
Introverts matter
Offices are primarily designed by extroverts. Unfortunately, between one third and one half of the people who work in those offices identify as introverts. If...
So lässt sich unsere Gehirnleistung steigern
Die Botenstoffe Dopamin, Acetylcholin und Noradrenalin bestimmen mit, welcher Arbeitstyp wir sind. Neurowissenschaftlerin Friederike Fabritius darüber, wie wir unsere Gehirnleistung im Job verbessern können.VON CHRISTINE LUGMAYR...
Emotional Labeling
There’s a word for what you’re feeling. Now use it. Most of us, when we’re feeling angry or sad or stressed, are reluctant to put...
Your brain’s response to physical and social pain is virtually identical
If you deliberately broke someone’s leg, they wouldn’t forget it and might never forgive you. Perhaps you know the old schoolyard taunt: “Sticks and stones...
Zwang macht unproduktiv
Friederike Fabritius ist Neurowissenschaftlerin, Speakerin und preisgekrönte Autorin. Gerade arbeitet sie an einem Buch zur Frage, wie Männer und Frauen am Arbeitsplatz ticken, unter welchen...