Use it or lose it!
Like most of our body, the brain lives by the motto of “use it or lose it.” When it comes to preserving a skill, if...
The Outgoing Introvert and Other Personality Types
Do you replenish your energy when being alone or around other people? 🤔 People often confuse being outgoing with being extroverted and being reserved with...
The key to better team collaboration
There’s a risk management headquarters right in your neighborhood. In fact, it’s up in your head. When our brain encounters things or people that seem...
Brain-Friendly Friday: Maintain Your Workplace Culture
Maintain your workplace culture with non-mandatory social hours! With shorter workdays, people on holiday for the summer, and remote work still occurring, it can prove...
Hacking Your Brain With Your Body!
Most people are under the impression that the brain alone controls stress. This assumption is somewhat inaccurate. If you want to control stress, I recommend...
Hard-wired For Bursts
Why the 40-hour work week isn’t as productive as you think! For most people, the 40-hour work week is standard (and for plenty more, so...
The secret to becoming five times more productive
Wouldn’t it be great if scientists could come up with a formula for productivity? It would. And they have. Peak productivity comes when you zero...
Decrease Stress & Increase SPF
Why You Should Always Try to Get Out In The Sun The Brain-Friendly Newsletter By now we are all well aware that sunlight can have...
How High Testosterone Affects Your Intuition and Confidence
Having high testosterone makes us feel like superhumans (and yes, both men and women have it to certain degrees). It affects your confidence and, consequently,...
Why it’s crucial to be “slightly over-challenged”
Eighty percent of American workers feel stressed, half to the point of exhaustion and misery, according to the 2020 Attitudes in the American Workplace Study...