Paying too little is worse than paying nothing at all
If you attach a trivial monetary bonus to something that is usually considered part of a job description (such as arriving on time to work),...
Brain-Friendly Friday: How to Better Manage Overthinking
Why overthinking isn’t helpful, and what to do instead Constant rumination (overthinking things) makes a person much likelier to have or develop depression and anxiety....
Understanding The Negativity Bias
Are we hardwired for negativity? Your brain is programmed to pay NINE TIMES more attention to negative information compared to positive. This isn’t to say...
Fun at work is not just nice to have
Why should you have fun at work? Aren’t you being paid to work, not to have fun? When you’re having fun, your brain releases the...
Brain-Friendly Friday: Why we need laughter at work
Should “sense of humour” be a job requirement? Probably not, after all, humour is subjective, and an entire workforce of wisecrackers can likely cause communication...
Unlocking Diversity With Neurosignatures
What do neurosignatures have to do with diversity in the workplace? Consider this: Diversity isn’t only about race, gender, or sexual orientation. It’s also about...
Is your desk messy or clean?
The answer to this question may have a big impact on your performance. Consciously attempting to ignore distractions can be as big a drain on...
Brain-Friendly Friday: Why the 5-hour workday makes sense
Did you know that trimming your workday to 5 hours may increase your concentration? It’s a hypothesis Stephan Aarstol explored at his company Tower Paddle Boards....
Unlocking Your Peak Performance Combo
How To Perform At Your Best Most of us live our entire working lives operating in two distinct (and problematic) zones: 1. Bored out of...
Three Brain-Friendly Tips to Help You Reduce Stress and Anxiety
The Brain-Friendly Newsletter When it comes to managing stress and anxiety, the idea that the body can control the mind seems alien to many of...